Последние версии:
Smart-Clip v5.03 (08.09.2011)
SmartMoto v4.33 (21.05.2014)
S-Card v3.13 (05.02.2014)

Smart-Clip S-Card Smartmoto Support News Resellers


Уважаемые Пользователи

После более чем 17 лет, мы прекращаем поддержку продукта Smart-Clip.

Мы благодарны Вам за работу с нашим продуктом на протяжении всех этих лет.

Будем рады увидеть каждого из вас пользователем новой версии проекта - Sigma, и насладиться всеми его преимуществами!

"Счастливых вам праздников и наилучшие пожелания!"

Счастливых вам праздников и наилучшие пожелания!

В это Рождество вся команда Smart-Clip желает вам счастья, любви и процветания в течение праздничного периода, а также, и в каждый другой день следующего 2016 года.

Счастливых вам праздников и наилучшие пожелания, пусть следующий год будет ярким и успешным!

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Уважаемые клиенты!

В связи с запланированными техническими работами, сайт будет недоступен в воскресенье, 8-го февраля, с 04:00 CET до 06:00 CET.

Приносим свои извинения за доставленные неудобства!


Экономьте 40 USD при покупке Smart-Clip2!

Специальное предложение для владельцев программатора Smart-Clip c S-Card. Экономьте 40 USD при покупке Smart-Clip2 Basic Set с активированными Pack 1, 2, 3.

Как получить скидку?

  1. Откройте программу SmartMoto v.4.33
  2. Перейдите во вкладку " Smart-Clip USB Port (GSM)", закладка "Smart-Clip".
  3. Нажмите кнопку "Get Promo Code".

После того, как промокод будет сгенерирован, скопируйте его в буфер обмена и вставьте в поле "SmartClip Promo Code" при оформлении заказа. Стоимость программатора Smart-Clip2 Basic Set с активированными Pack 1, 2, 3 будет пересчитана автоматически.

Узнать больше!


Уважаемые пользователи,

Smart-Clip2 - проще, ближе, лучше!

В далеком 2004 году на рынке появился Smart-Clip - продукт совместной работы команд Smart Clip и GsmServer.За 10 лет этот программатор стал одним из наиболее распространенных. Сложно представить сервисный центр без продуктов команды GsmServer, завоевавших надежную репутацию и доверие пользователей.

Сегодня мы представляем новое поколение программатора - Smart-Clip2! Это устройство предлагает широкий ряд единственных на рынке сервисных решений, профессиональную поддержку самых популярных телефонов и полный набор сервисных опций.

Новое поколение программаторов стало не только лучше, но и значительнопроще в применении. Оно буквально стало ближе к пользователю! Ведь у вас есть возможность "собрать" собственный Smart-Clip2, который будет соответствовать вашим потребностям: можно сразу приобрести полную версию продукта или начать с базовой с возможностью последовательной активации остального функционала.

...и это только начало!

Обратите внимание, что на данный момент вы можете оформить предварительный заказ у менеджеров интернет магазина GsmServer. Отправки программаторов Smart-Clip2 начнутся с 8 мая.


Dear users,

SmartMoto v4.32 and S-Card v3.13 are out!

With this update we optimized the size of java-applet on smart-card.


Dear users,

SmartMoto v4.31 and S-Card v3.12 are out!

With this update we introduce new groundbreaking feature - remote unlock for Alcatel, Motorola and Vodafone phones! You don't need to connect the phone to PC anymore to unlock it! Added support for 240+ models.

Release Notes

Added unlock code calculator (via IMEI and PID / Security File) for the following MTK-based models:


  • Crystal (KR01)
  • ELLE GlamPhone No.3
  • ELLE GlamPhone No.5
  • Mandarina Duck (MD01)
  • Mandarina Duck (MD02)
  • Miss Sixty (MS01)
  • Miss Sixty (MS02)
  • OT-090, OT-103, OT-104, OT-105, OT-106, OT-108, OT-109
  • OT-112, OT-113, OT-117, OT-132
  • OT-140, OT-150, OT-1801
  • OT-203, OT-203E, OT-204, OT-205, OT-206, OT-208, OT-209, OT-2117, OT-213
  • OT-214, OT-214W, OT-216, OT-217, OT-217D, OT-222, OT-223, OT-228, OT-228D
  • OT-232, OT-233, OT-250, OT-252, OT-255, OT-255D, OT-262, OT-268
  • OT-280, OT-282, OT-292, OT-296, OT-297
  • OT-300, OT-301, OT-303, OT-304, OT-305, OT-306, OT-308
  • OT-310, OT-311, OT-312, OT-315, OT-317, OT-317D, OT-318, OT-318D
  • OT-319, OT-322, OT-352, OT-355, OT-355D, OT-356
  • OT-358, OT-358D, OT-360, OT-361, OT-362, OT-363
  • OT-380, OT-383, OT-385, OT-385D, OT-385J, OT-390
  • OT-455, OT-505, OT-505K, OT-506, OT-506D
  • OT-508, OT-5185, OT-540, OT-543, OT-565, OT-565K, OT-585
  • OT-585D, OT-585F, OT-595, OT-595D, OT-600
  • OT-602, OT-602D, OT-605, OT-605D, OT-606, OT-650, OT-660
  • OT-665, OT-668, OT-706, OT-708, OT-710, OT-710D, OT-710K
  • OT-7110, OT-720, OT-720D, OT-799
  • OT-800, OT-802, OT-802Y, OT-803, OT-803D, OT-803F, OT-806, OT-806D
  • OT-807, OT-807D, OT-808, OT-808G, OT-808M, OT-809
  • OT-810, OT-8107, OT-810D, OT-810F, OT-813, OT-813D, OT-813F
  • OT-818, OT-818D, OT-819, OT-819D, OT-828, OT-838
  • OT-880, OT-888, OT-888D, OT-900
  • OT-901, OT-905, OT-907, OT-980, OT-C700, OT-C701, OT-C707
  • OT-C710, OT-C710D, OT-C717, OT-C818, OT-C819
  • OT-C819D, OT-C820, OT-C825, OT-DS1, OT-F0Z9
  • OT-F101, OT-F115, OT-F117, OT-F121, OT-F122, OT-F123
  • OT-F152, OT-F153, OT-F262, OT-F330, OT-F331, OT-F344
  • OT-PB01, OT-S122, OT-S215, OT-S218, OT-S319, OT-S320
  • OT-S321, OT-S520, OT-S521, OT-S621, OT-S626, OT-SFR1150
  • OT-TES,Megafon TP-DS1,Orange Amsterdam (AM01)


  • WX160, WX161, WX180, WX181
  • WX260, WX265, WX280, WX288
  • WX290, WX295, WX298
  • WX390, WX395, WX665


  • 155
  • 331, 345, 350, 354, 355
  • 555, 570
  • W607, 670, 770


  • TCL I606, TCL I650, TCL I780
  • TCL I802, TCL I808, TCL I818, TCL I880
  • TCL I888, TCL I898, TCL I900, TCL I905
  • TCL Q3, TCL Q5
  • TCL T208, TCL T218, TCL T255, TCL T268, TCL T355, TCL T66


  • No internet connection required to run the product
  • Introduced all the most popular on the market models
  • Up to date and the most relevant list of supported Provider IDs
  • Unlimited amount of calculated unlock codes

Read the manual on how to use the Calculator before you start the procedure


Dear users,

  1. Following models were added to the list of supported, though they operate on already supported CPUs:

  2. Alcatel:

    • OT-113 / OT-1801
    • OT-268 / OT-282
    • OT-322 / OT-322D / OT-352 / OT-358G
    • OT-585A / OT-585DF
    • OT-810 / OT-8107 / OT-810D
    • OT-905D / OT-907D
    • OT-C710D / OT-C818
    • OT-F153 / OT-I900 / OT-SFR1150

  3. Added over 60Gb (more than 3000 files) of new flash files to our section of Boot-Loader v2.0 website

  4. 01.08.2012

    Dear users,

    SmartMoto v4.30 and S-Card v3.11 are out!

    With this release we present the following features:

    1. Added REPAIR hardware IMEI for MTK Motorola cellphones based on NAND flash memory type (MT6235, MT6236, MT6238, MT6239, MT6268):
      • EX108
      • EX109
      • EX112
      • EX115
      • EX118
      • EX122
      • EX128
      • EX223
      • WX306
      • WX308

    2. Added REPAIR hardware IMEI for MTK Motorola cellphones based on NOR flash memory type:

      • EX211
      • EX212
      • WX292
      • WX345

    4. New models Motorola WX306 and WX308 are added to the list of supported.

    Important information! Please read before upgrading to the latest version:

    Due to some hardware limitations of S-Card starting from version 4.30 MTK module of Smart-Moto will be able to operate with supported MTK-based cellphones only. Full list of officially supported mobile devices can be found at the official Smart-Moto website.


    Dear users,

    The following MTK models added to the list of supported. Many of these models released in 2012.


    OT-214W / OT-282 / OT-308 / OT-310 / OT-312 / OT-317D / OT-318D / OT-319 / OT-358 / OT-358D / OT-385D / OT-390 / OT-505 / OT-585F / OT-595 / OT-595D / OT-650 / OT-668 / OT-720 / OT-720D / OT-803F / OT-8107 / OT-810D / OT-810F / OT-813F / OT-838 / OT-F117 / OT-F123 / OT-F262 / TCL Q5 / TCL T66

    Flash files for these and some other MTK models (more than 20 Gb) were uploaded to the support area.



    Dear users,

    New version of ActiveX client v3.09 released.

    Support for new type of Java Cards - Gemalto GX-4 TOP IM has been added.

    You can update your Smart-Clip, S-Card and Smart Adaptor at Update zone of both Smart-Clip and GsmServer web sites.



    Dear users,

    Please let us introduce a new version of SmartMoto v4.29

    With this release we have resolved issues with Direct Unlock operation for models with "hardware lock".

    Smart-Clip rules have been updated. Please check them at our official forum.



    Dear users,

    Please let us introduce a new version of SmartMoto v4.28.

    In this release the following improvements and changes were made:

    1. Fixed issues with cell phones based on NOR flash IC that were found in software versions since SmartMoto v4.26. We strongly recommend to update SmartMoto to this latest version.
    2. Flash chip ST Model M58LR128FT is now supported
    3. The terms of work with untested models are changed. Details are placed in this thread.

    In case you have untested MTK phone from this thread and you need to unlock it, please contact us for a tests.



    Dear users,

    We are glad to inform you that new version of SmartMoto v4.27 is released. It provides you with such new features:

    1. Direct unlock; Read Unlock Codes; Read User Code; Backup/Restore flash, flex and calibrations; Format FFS operations, for the following models:
      • Motorola* EX118 / EX119 / EX223 / WX292 - First in the world!
      • Avio A1000
      • Chat phone SN50
      • ZTE 120F

      <>* Pay attention! These phone models have problems with network detection after flash/format FFS operations. Due to this reason it is required to backup calibration settings before flash / format ffs operations and to restore them afterwards!

    2. MTK platform phone models based on MCU MT6236 are now supported
    3. Flash chip Toshiba TC58FYM7T8C [98009E:2] is now supported
    4. Important changes made into MTK tab of SmartMoto software. Those improvements were required to add support of the new phone models

    All feedbacks and backups received from our users were deeply analysed. Please use latest SmartMoto version for testing and backup reading from not tested in this thread MTK models.



    Dear users,

    We're proud to announce new release of SmartMoto 4.26 that once again confirms the title of most intellectual and professional solution for MTK platform at the market. Summing up the work that was performed from the time of last update, the following features were developed:

    1. Fundamentally new algorithm of READ CODES and DIRECT UNLOCK procedures for all supported MTK models
    With our brand new solution, phone’s unlock procedure for some models will be performed without formatting file system area. It means that no user data (phone book, messages, etc) will be lost after unlocking

    2. Exclusive DIRECT UNLOCK and READ CODES solutions for the following MTK models:

    • Motorola EX108 / EX109 / EX112 / EX115 / EX122 / EX126 / EX128 / EX211 / EX212 / EX245 / WX345 (No more problems with network detect)
    • Alcatel OT-230D* VM202 / VM800
    • AVIO 410*
    • Fly MC145* / Q300* / ST240*
    • Huawei G6150* / G6610* / G6610v * / G7002
    • LG GB190*
    • Movistar Match*
    • SFR 121 / 1150 / 3440
    • ZTE R255* / R230* / X760* / G-S213 (Beeline A100)*


    3. World's first READ USER CODE for all supported MTK-based models
    If phone is locked with user code, this function allows you to read it without performing "format ffs" operation and without loosing any of private information

    4. Unique option of Backup and Restore NETWORK CALIBRATION for all MTK-based models
    Phone’s network calibration contain network settings and affect on a level of GSM signal reception. It’s very important to backup these settings before flash / format ffs operations and to restore them afterwards

    5. Support of new flash chip for Motorola EX211
    Samsung NOR chip ID [EC2208-0] Flash size - 32 Mb is now supported

    6. MTK models based on MT6238, MT6239 MCU are now supported

    7. External RAM testing feature added

    *Important information! Unlocking of these new models is currently in a test mode. If you have one of them, please follow this link for further information.



    Dear users,

    Weare glad to inform you that new version of SmartMoto v4.25 is released. With this update we provide the following benefits:

    1. World's first and exclusive to Smart-Clip. Released Read Codes* option for the following Motorola EX-series models with MTK platform:

      • EX112
      • EX115
      • EX122
      • EX126
      • EX128
      • EX211
      • EX212
      • WX345

      * read all type of codes: NP, NSP, SP, CP, SIMP, NS-SP, SIM-C

      Due to some FW versions inconsistency the freshly unlocked phone can request the code again after being rebooted.

      Users with WX345 that unlocked their phones via “direct unlock” option without saving backup and now have issues with network detect – please contact us for tests.

    1. Added Read/Write flash and Format FFS options for the next two MTK-based models:

      • EX211
      • WX345

      Please remember that backup must be saved before performing Format FFS and writing flash to the other phone. Otherwise, the handset may have difficulties with network detect. This issue happens due to some firmware versions inconsistency. We will try to find a solution to it in near future.

    1. Improved “write backup” procedure for the NAND flash memory phones with 512 page size to the phone with page size 2048.

      Other words, from now, the backup file saved from the handset with page size 512 can be flashed to the phone with page size 2048.



    Dear users,

    We present new version of Smart-Clip v5.03, S-Card v3.10 and SmartMoto v4.24

    With this release we moved to a next level in servicing MTK-based models. Such new features and improvements have been added to this version:

    1. Developed advanced flashing option for the following phones with NAND flash memory type:

      • Motorola: EX112 / EX115 / EX122 / EX128
      • Alcatel: OT-799 / OT-800 / OT-802 / OT-802Y / ОТ-802М / OT-803 / OT-803D / OT-806 / OT-806D / OT-807 / OT-807D / OT-808 / OT-808G / OT-808M / OT-809 / OT-813 / OT-813D / OT-818 / OT-818D / OT-819 / OT-819D / OT-828 / OT-880 / OT-888 / OT-888D / OT-I802 / OT-I808 / OT-I818 / OT-I880 / OT-I888 / OT-I898 / OT-C819D / ОТ-Q3 / OT-MS02 /OT-AM01

      Same flash file can be flashed into NAND chips with different page sizes (either 512 or 2048 bytes per page), e.g. OT-802

    2. Added restore backup from one phone with NAND flash memory type into another.

      Thus, phone's firmware will be upgraded

    3. Implemented autodetection and bad blocks marking during the flashing process of the phones with NAND chip.

      This new feature helps to fix bad blocks that newly occurred in the phone flash

    4. Added complete handling of NAND bit errors.

      Single bit errors are corrected transparently. In case of uncorrectable bit errors presence in phone or it’s backup file, SmartMoto will inform you about it. Also, SmartMoto prevents flashing the backup file with uncorrectable bit errors.

    5. Released direct unlock and read codes options for Alcatel OT-355D.

      This dual-sim MTK-model based on MT6223 is now added to the list of supported

    Flash files for those models will be uploaded to Smart-Clip section (folder mfw) of Boot- Loader v2.0 portal



    Dear users,

    Please let us introduce new version of SmartMoto v4.23

    The following options were added with this release:

    1. Added Direct unlock, Read/restore backup and flex for Motorola EX126 (beta testing mode).
    2. Added "Upgrade firmware" option for MTK-based phone models. This and other options are described in details here.
    3. Resolved the issue with phones based on Samsung NAND chip, ID [EC0076-5A003F], Flash size - 64MB, Page size – 512.
    4. Fixed issue with flashing option for the phones based on M18LR256B chip.

    And that’s not all!

    We also significantly updated MTK flash files archive at Boot-Loader v2.0 portal.

    We have added more than 4000 exclusive flash files (above 50 GB) for Alcatel and Vodafone MTK-based models. The archive now contains:

    • the latest firmware versions;
    • firmware versions branded to all existing NSP;
    • all existing language packs;

    Please notice that "locked" and "tied to flash type" files are marked. Flash files are suitable for flashing with SmartMoto v4.23 or higher only.



    Dear users,

    Please let us introduce new version of SmartMoto v4.22

    With this release we present the following options:

    1. Modified detection of firmware version for MTK based models.
    2. Improved and accelerated flash structure analyzing process during reading the backup.
    3. Fixed Hardware IMEI reading for Alcatel OT-710 based on Chip M18LR256B. Now there shouldn't be any issues with this model based on specified above chip.
    4. Resolved the issue with Read codes and Direct unlock for some versions of Motorola WX160 and Alcatel OT-103. Now all hardware versions of specified above models are supported.



    Dear users,

    Please let us introduce new version of SmartMoto v4.21

    With this release we present the following options:

    1. World's exclusive! Released Read codes and IMEI repair* options for the DUAL-SIM Alcatel MTK models
    2. These options are now available for both IMEI. Switch between primary and secondary IMEI using "work with secondary IMEI" option.

    3. First in the world! Added IMEI repair option for the following models based on MT6253 CPU:
      • Motorola WX345
      • Alcatel OT-606
      • Alcatel OT-710
      • Alcatel OT-710D
    4. Improved work for phones with NAND flash memory type

    * Except MT6235 CPU

    Detailed IMEI repair and Read Codes manuals can be found at Support section of official Smart-Clip web site.


    P.S. Smartmoto v4.20 had a problem and no longer available. Those, who already installed it – please remove it from your PC.



    Dear users,

    Please let us introduce new version of SmartMoto v4.19 and S-Card v3.09

    With this release we present the following options.

    1. Released Backup and Restore Flex options for the following EX-series models:
      • EX112
      • EX115
      • EX122
      • EX128
      Flex files (*.wxfx format) contain default media files (іmages, ringtones), java applications and some phone settings. Flex file suppose to be restored after unlock procedure. Backup and Restore Flex procedures are fast and simple.
    2. Added direct unlock for Motorola WX345 based on MT6253 CPU *
    3. Released direct unlock, flash, restore backup options for the following Alcatel models based on MT6253 CPU:
      • OT-606
      • OT-710
      • OT-710D *
    4. Fixed Hardware IMEI reading for Motorola WX345* based on Chip Samsung-TOP ID [EC2404-0]
    5. Improved direct unlock solution for phones with NAND flash memory type
    6. Added support of Numonyx StrataFlash® Cellular Memory (M18).

    * These models are added in beta test mode. It’s strictly recommended to create phone’s backup before performing any operation.



    Dear users,

    Please let us introduce new version of SmartMoto v4.18 and S-Card v3.08

    With this release we present the following options.

    1. World's Exclusive Direct unlock for the following Motorola MTK models:
      • EX112
      • EX115
      • EX122
      • EX128

      All firmware versions are supported. With our direct unlock solution, the cell phone won’t get locked again after reboot, unlike when unlocking with the server codes.

    2. Released Read codes, Format FFS and Read Backup options for the Alcatel models based on MT6253 CPU

    Detailed unlock manual and cable pinouts available at support section of Smart-Clip official web site

    Let us remind you about Boot-Loader v2.0 promotion: send us backup from MTK based phone model and receive free bonus access. Backups from phones, based on MT6235 and MT6253 are most necessary. Details »



    Dear users,

    Please let us introduce new version of SmartMoto v4.17

    With this release we present the following exclusive options:

    1. Added direct unlock for the following Alcatel MTK models based on CPU MT6235:
      • OT-800 / VM800
      • OT-802
      • OT-806
      • OT-807
      • OT-808
      • OT-880
      • MissSixty MSX10
    2. Released support for the Alcatel models based on CPU MT6235 with disabled unlock codes menu*
      • OT-880 (2FTGMX1 16f XR16PF11)
    3. Developed IMEI repair solution for Alcatel OT-706
    4. Released Restore backup option for the Alcatel and Motorola models based on CPU MT6235 with NAND flash memory type**
    5. Implemented Save FFS to backup option. It allows to save full phone's file system (phone book, messages, user code etc) in the backup file
    6. Improved work with NAND flash memory type. Bad blocks detection added
    7. Resolved the issue with NAND flash memory type, 512 Byte Page size

    * In cases if unlock code request is blocked by service provider (handset doesn't ask / doesn't accept unlock codes).

    ** In order to restore backup file, the option "Write full raw backup" should be checked in. Backup file can be restored to the phone it was read from, only.

    NOTE: For the Motorola EX-series models, backup files should be created with ‘Save FFS to backup’ option checked in.



    Dear users,

    Please let us introduce new version of SmartMoto v4.16

    With this release we present the following options:

    1. Reading of the NCK, NSCK, SPCK, CCK, PCK codes, Format FFS for all available firmware versions of the following Alcatel models based on MT6235 MCU:
      • OT-800 / VM800
      • OT-802
      • OT-806D (dual-sim)
      • OT-807
      • OT-808
      • OT-880

      Procedure is simple and fast. No need internet connection or server credits to calculate codes.

    2. Released Format FFS for following Motorola models:
      • EX112
      • EX115
      • EX128
    3. Support of Alcatel models based on MT6253 MCU (beta testing).
    4. "Phone MCU boost mode" option for OT-255 on Chip AMD-UNIFORM ID [1227E-22202200] is fixed.

    Note: Support of other Alcatel OT-8XX MTK-based phone models are added in beta test mode.

    In case you have the Motorola or Alcatel handsets based on MT6235/MT6253 MCU, please make a backup using LATEST SmartMoto version (v4.16) and send it to us by e-mail along with the log file. We will investigate them and add these models to the list of supported in further updates.



    Dear users,

    Please let us introduce new version of SmartMoto v4.15

    With this update we present exclusive and the most stable solution in the market:

    1. World's first, fully safe direct unlock option for Motorola WX-series and MTK based Alcatel phone models. One-click solution - unlock process becomes much easier and faster. SmartMoto detects phone's hardware version and completes unlock process with the minimum user's intervention.
    2. World's first, IMEI repair option for Motorola and Alcatel models with auto SP-lock*. No more automatically SP-locked phones.
    3. Support of Alcatel models based on MT6219 MCU
    4. Added Read backup option for the phones based on MT6235 MCU (Motorola EX112/115/128, Alcatel OT-800/802/808 etc). This option is implemented for research purposes. In case you have the phone based on this MCU, please make a backup and send it to us by e-mail. We will investigate it and add these models to the list of supported in further updates.
    5. Researched Micro USB pinout for Motorola and Alcatel MTK-based models

    * 'auto SP-lock' means that phone gets automatically locked back within few days after 'IMEI repair' operation. With this release this issue is solved.



    Dear users,

    Please let us introduce new version of SmartMoto v4.14

    With this release we are glad to introduce fully reorganized and enhanced "Repair IMEI" solution for Motorola WX-series and MTK based Alcatel phone models.



    Dear users,

    Please let us introduce new version of SmartMoto v4.12

    With this update we present the following:

    1. Support of the following Alcatel models locked with the other version of encoding algorithm:
      • OT-280
      • OT-B331
      • OT-C700
      • OT-S215
      • OT-S218
      • OT-S319
      • OT-S320
      • OT-S321
      • OT-S520
      • OT-S521
      • OT-V607

    2. Full support for the following Alcatel models:
      • OT-C701
      • OT-S319
      • OT-355
      • OT-565

    3. "Phone MCU boost mode" and Restore IMEI options are improved
    4. Hardware IMEI reading for the phones based on Chip AMD-UNIFORM ID [1227E-22302200] is fixed
    5. Resolved the issue "Internal error 0009" on MT6226 MCU for Alcatel phones


    Dear users,

    Please let us introduce new version of SmartMoto v4.11

    With this release we are glad to introduce IMEI REPAIR solution for the following MTK models:

    • Motorola: WX160, WX161, WX180, WX181, WX260, WX265, WX280, WX288, WX290, WX295, WX390, WX395

    • Alcatel: Elle N3, Elle N5, Mandarina Duck, MissSixty, OT-103, OT-203, OT-204, OT-206, OT-208, OT-209, OT-216, OT-222, OT-255, OT-280, OT-303, OT-305, OT-305A, OT-380, OT-383, OT-383A, OT-505, OT-508, OT-600, OT-660, OT-708, OT-B331, OT-C700, OT-C701, OT-C707, OT-C717, OT-C820, OT-C825, OT-I650, OT-S215, OT-S218, OT-S319, OT-S320, OT-S321, OT-S520, OT-S521, OT-S621, OT-S626, OT-V570, OT-V607, OT-V670, OT-V770

    • Vodafone: 345

    Repair IMEI procedure is simple and similar to "Read codes" instruction  anounced earlier. Detailed manual is located here.

    Repair option. If you have software bricked phone, you can REPAIR it by flashing with *.mfw flash file.

    Note: Incorrect IMEI value (for example, in patched firmware) will produce wrong unlocking codes.



    Dear users,

    Please let us introduce new version of SmartMoto v4.10 and S-Card v3.07

    With this release we are glad to introduce following options:

    1. Read unlock codes, Format FFS*, Flash*, Backup/Restore options added for the following Alcatel models:
      • OT-C701, OT-C707, OT-C717, OT-V670, ELLE N5, Mandarina Duck
      • OT-C820, OT-C825, ELLE N3, OT-V770
      • OT-S520, OT-S521, OT-S621, OT-S626, OT-V607, OT-C700, OT-I650, OT-V570
      • OT-S215, OT-S218, OT-S319, OT-S320, OT-S321, OT-280, OT-B331

      (*) NOTE: It's strictly recommended to make backup copy before performing "Format FFS" or "Flash" procedures, because these options are added in beta-test mode.

    2. Read unlock codes, Format FFS, Flash, Backup/Restore options for Alcatel MissSixty phone model.
    3. Communication algorithm for the flashing and backup options of the MTK based phone models improved. Added support for 921600 bps. COM-port speed.
    4. MTK based phone models that were unlocked via SmartMoto, can be locked back by performing Format FFS procedure. Alternatively, the phone can be locked by flashing with the locked flash file**
    5. (**) Locked flash files are marked with the word "locked" in the end of the file name.



    Dear users,

    Please let us introduce new version of SmartMoto v4.09 and S-Card v3.06

    With this release we are glad to introduce following options:

    1. World's first! Support of the following Alcatel models with disabled unlock code menu*
      • OT-103 (2ARGTE5-17H XM17CB40; 2ATLMX3-175 XM17NH40)
      • OT-203 (2BRGTE5-365 XM36CC20; 2BRGTE5-37B XM37CC30)
      • OT-208 (2ARGUG1-765 XM76CE21)
      • OT-216 (2ERGMG2-462 XP46CB01)
      • OT-303 (2ARGTE2-169 XI16CF00; 2BMSUA1-16G XI16CS13)
      • OT-305 (2DCFMK1-16C XP16CU11)
      • OT-508 (2BTGMX1-365 XP36NE12)
      • OT-708 (2ATGMX1-16G XN16NB25; 2ATLMX1-16G XN16NE21)
    2. Read unlock codes, Format FFS, Flash, backup/restore options for following Alcatel models:
      • OT-216
      • OT-380
      • OT-505
      • OT-508
      • OT-708 (beta test)
    3. World Exclusive! Implemented autodetect function for the cell phones with disabled unlock code menu*, activation of unlock code request for all supported MTK-based phone models
    4. Interface improvements. Active unlock codes are now marked black, inactive are marked grey. Cell phone doesn't ask inactive unlock codes.

    * In cases if unlock code request is blocked by service provider (handset doesn't ask / doesn't accept unlock codes).



    Dear users,

    Please let us introduce new version of SmartMoto v4.08 and S-Card v3.05

    With this release we are glad to introduce following options:

    1. Fully safe flashing (mfw-files), restore backup options for the WX series phone models:
      • WX160
      • WX161
      • WX180
      • WX181
      • WX260
      • WX265
      • WX280
      • WX288
      • WX290
      • WX295
      • WX390
      • WX395

    2. Read codes, Format FFS, Flash (beta), restore backup options for specified below list of Alcatel and Vodafone handsets:
      • Alcatel OT-103
      • Alcatel OT-203
      • Alcatel OT-204
      • Alcatel OT-208
      • Alcatel OT-209
      • Alcatel OT-222
      • Alcatel OT-255
      • Alcatel OT-303
      • Alcatel OT-305A
      • Alcatel OT-383
      • Alcatel OT-383A
      • Alcatel OT-600
      • Alcatel OT-660
      • Vodafone 345

    3. Communication algorithm for MTK based phone models was improved

    Flashing procedure is simple and similar to WX series backup instruction announced earlier.

    Recommended versions of drivers for Prolific and FTDI virtual COM ports are here.

    NOTE: Backups, that were read from MTK based phone models with SmartMoto v4.07 or older has lower version and can not be restored with SmartMoto 4.08.

    Boot-Loader v2.0 promotion: send us backup from MTK based phone model and receive free bonus access. Details




    Dear users,

    Please let us introduce new version of SmartMoto v4.07

    With this release we are glad to introduce following options:

    1. Added Format FFS (reset user code) procedure for WX series handsets
    2. Hardware IMEI reading for WX series models based on Samsung flash IC
    3. Improved communication algorithm for WX series phone models
    4. Researched alternative pinout for the MTK handsets

    Check out detailed Format FFS manual and alternative pinout for WX-series models.

    Smart-Clip ON!


    Dear users,

    Please let us introduce new version of S-Card v3.04 and SmartMoto v4.06

    With this release we are glad to introduce the easiest and the safest unlock solution on the market.

    1. Reading of the NCK, NSCK, SPCK, CCK, PCK codes for all available versions of the following WX series models:
      • WX160
      • WX161
      • WX180
      • WX181
      • WX260 (beta test)
      • WX265
      • WX280
      • WX288
      • WX290
      • WX295
      • WX390
      • WX395
    2. Released save backup feature for the specified above phone models.

    Check out detailed Unlock & Backup manuals for specified above WX-series models

    Smart-Clip ON!


    Please let us introduce a new version of SmartMoto v4.05.

    With this release unlock issue for EM35 model is resolved.


    Dear users,

    Please pay attention to the following.

    It seems that one thing with ZN5 went out of control in SmartMoto v4.03. This version is no longer available. Those, who already installed it – please remove it from your PC.

    And now please let us introduce a new version of SmartMoto v4.04.

    As you understand, the ZN5 model issue is fixed. No more risk for any handset.

    Once again, please accept our apologies for error in previous version. The repair solution for spoiled phones will be released with few days. Please be patient and watch our announcements

    Smart-Clip ON!


    Dear users,

    This time we would like to ask all of you, did you have enough of killing MotoMAGX with other fake solution that pretend to be a professional one?

    We think, is right about time to stop it!

    So, please welcome – Smart-Clip v5.02, S-Card v3.03 and SmartMoto v4.03.

    With this release

    1. First in the word, fully working, fully tested and absolutely safeone button unlock and IMEI repair solution for MotoMAGX models.
      • E8
      • EM30
      • EM35
      • U9
      • V8_512Mb
      • V8_2Gb
      • V8_2Gb_Luxury
      • VE66
      • ZN5
      • ZN5_128Mb
      • Z6
      • Z6w
      • Aura

      Please remember, this solution will never affect phone’s PDS and there is no risk for the phone!

    2. "Automatic Model Detection" option is released.
    3. Smart-Clip exclusive. Repair solution for MotoMAGX based models damaged by other solution (Phone freezes at Moto Logo power on stage).*
    4. * Please read the manual carefully before repairing specified above models.


    Dear users,

    We are pleased to announce Smart-Clip v5.01 and S-Card v3.02

    This update resolves the unlock issue for old P2K models (one button operation).


    Dear users,

    Please let us introduce a SmartMoto v4.02.

    With this release we present fully safe and tested solution of IMEI repair and unlocking for following models:

    • V8_512Mb
    • V8_2Gb
    • V8_2Gb_Luxury
    • Z6
    • Aura (beta test)

    The procedure is the same as for MotoMAGX based models announced earlier. The IMEI repair option unlocks the handset automatically.


    Dear users,

    We know that some of you were surprised by the release of fake update from the bunch of people that pretend to be professionals… But we are not like them… We release fully working, fully protected and fully tested solutions. And as usual, we have good news for all of you.


    So, please enjoy - Smart-Clip v5.00, S-Card v3.01 and SmartMoto v4.01.

    With this release we present IMEI repair solution for MotoMAGX based models:

    • E8
    • EM30
    • EM35 (beta test)
    • U9
    • VE66 (beta test)
    • Z6w
    • ZN5
    • ZN5-128MB

    The procedure is simple. If the phone is unlocked with SmartMoto just press keys 4 and 6, connect phone SmartMoto, log to IMEI repair tab and set repaired number with Write button. In other case - flash the phone with 2 flash files, connect to SmartMoto, log to IMEI repair tab and set repaired number with Write button.


    Dear users,

    We know that all of you have waited enough for another update, and some of you even thought we've given up …

    But we are here for you and we have good news!


    Please let us introduce a new version of Smart-Clip v5.00, S-Card v3.00 and SmartMoto v4.00.

    With this release we are glad to announce the following benefits:

    1. Smart-Clip exclusive, unlock solution for MotoMAGX based models:
      • E8
      • EM30
      • EM35 (beta test)
      • U9
      • VE66 (beta test)
      • Z6w
      • ZN5
      • ZN5-128MB

      No TestPoints or server credits required. Just few easy steps. More details in the Unlock Manual. Please pay attention to the manual, as unlock procedure of MotoMAGX models differs from usual and requires SCout multiflasher software.

    2. The models W490 and W6 with boot version 0C.A1 are added to the SmartMoto list.
    3. Phone model W231 is proved to be supported and added to the list.
    4. Boot version 9.02 for the models V23* is supported by Prepare function.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of SmartMoto v3.23.

    With this release we present the following options.

    1. Updated CDMA communication library.
    2. Introduced new stabilized algorithm for patching CDMA models.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of SmartMoto v3.22 and S-Card v2.12.

    With this release we present the following options.

    1. Supported new CDMA models: V750, VE20, VU30 and ZN4 (World's Exclusive!).
      • Read info
      • Read/Restore ESN and MEID
      • Read hardware ESN, MEID
      • Reset User/Security code
    2. Backup/Restore akey, ssd & prl for NAM2.
    3. Read/Restore EVDO settings
    4. New types of flash chips are added to the list of supported


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of SmartMoto v3.21, Smart-Clip v4.09 and S-Card v2.11.

    With this release we present the following options.

    1. Released full support: Backup/Restore phone flash (World’s exclusive); Flash; Read/Restore ESN and MEID; Read hardware ESN, MEID and IMEI (world’s first); Reset codes, Backup/Restore PRL, A-key, SSD and more for the following CDMA models:
      • A840, A860. These models are hybrid platform (CDMA-GSM). Released Restore IMEI option for them. First in the world.
      • C290 (supported first in the world), C343, C364
      • E815
      • K1m
      • L7c
      • T720c
      • V260, V262, V265, V266, V276, V323, V323i, V325, V325i, V325xi, V3a, V3c, V3m, V710, V810, V9m, VU204 (supported first in the world)
      • W315, W385, W755
      • Z6c, Z6m, Z6tv
    2. Unlock and Repair EEPROM solution for the model EM325 (Compal-Locosto unlock).
    3. W233, W397v are added to SmartMoto list (Compal-Locosto unlock).

    Detailed manual for the specified above CDMA models is located at SmartMoto section.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of SmartMoto v3.20.

    With this release we present the following options.

    1. World's exclusive, Unlock and Repair EEPROM solution for the model ZN200.
    2. Unlock and Repair EEPROM for W396.
    3. Improved unlock algorithm for W388. Now all versions are supported.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of SmartMoto v3.19.

    With this release we present the following options.

    1. Unlock and IMEI Repair solution for the model Sony Ericsson J132
    2. Unlock solution for Sony Ericsson T303


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of SmartMoto v3.18.

    With this release we present the following options.

    1. Unlock and Repair EEPROM for the model W450 (Compal-Locosto unlock procedure). World's exclusive.
    2. Improved unlock algorithm for the phone model W388.


    Smart-Clip Chinese Edition

    We are pleased to present a special modification of our well known product.

    Smart-Clip Chinese Edition is designed especially for Chinese users and is compatible with SmartMoto Asian versions only. Its functionality, loyalty and warranty policies, support service etc. remain the same as those of the Smart-Clip "classical" variant. Smart-Clip CE is compatible with the same set of cables and accessories and supports the same range of models.

    Please, note that the Smart-Clip Chinese Edition can be used only on the territory of China.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of SmartMoto v3.17.

    With this release we present the following options.

    1. Full support (Unlock/Format FFS/Repair EEPROM) for the models W206 and W213 (Compal-Calypso unlock procedure).
    2. Unlock and Repair EEPROM solution for the phone model W388 (Compal-Locosto unlock procedure).


    Dear users, We are glad to inform you that phone model W177 has been tested and proved to be supported for unlock by SmartMoto. Unlock procedure is the same as for the model W175.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of S-Card v2.10.

    The S-Card of the latest version 2.10 required to enable you to work with SCout flasher v1.12.

    Note: Details of SCout flasher v1.12 can be found here.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of SmartMoto v3.16.

    With this release we present the following options.

    1. Unlock solution for the model W360 (Compal unlock procedure).
    2. Released Repair EEPROM option for the following Compal models: W360, W161, W160 and W156.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of SmartMoto v3.15, Smart-Clip v4.08, S-Card 2.09 and Smart Adaptor v1.05.

    With this release we present the following options.

    1. Released Unlock, Format FFS and Repair EEPROM for the model W375В(Compal unlock procedure).
    2. The models W161 and W181 are added to the supported models list (although they were already supported before).
    3. Improved Prepare cycle for the models W510/W490. From now on, the handsets with an error 0085/00CA are supported.
    4. The model W270 was already supported for unlock, and now, Repair EEPROM and Format FFS are added for it.
    5. Developed Repair PDS function for the model U3.
    6. V365 fw R444HL1 is now included to the list of PDS Repair supported (although it was supported before).


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of ActiveX client.

    With this release we present the following options:

    1. Smart-Clip and Smart Adapter update procedure is simplified.
    2. S-Card updater is moved to ActiveX client. So, no need to use S-Card update client anymore.
    3. Advanced settings are added to the ActiveX control.


    Smart-Clip with full cables set!

    We are pleased to announce that from now on Smart-Clip will be complemented with full cables set!


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of SmartMoto v3.14.

    With this release we present the following options.

    1. World’s first, Unlock, Repair EEPROM and Format FFS solution for the model W230.
    2. Reorganized Format FFS procedure for W156/W160.
    3. Implemented some improvements to the functionality algorithm for Compal+ and Locosto models.


    From now on the Smart TestPoint v2.0 cable is included into the Smart-Clip set.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of S-Card 2.08 and SmartMoto v3.13.

    With this release we present the following options.

    1. World’s exclusive, Unlock solution for Motorola U3 (Prepare Smart TestPoint).
    2. World’s first, unlock of V3re, boot version 0C.F4 (Prepare Smart TestPoint).
    3. Repair PDS and Flash support for V3i with flash chip size 64Mb.


    Please note that new version of ActiveX client with manual select of the LPT port address is uploaded to Smart-Clip Update Zone.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of Smart-Clip v4.07, S-Card 2.07 and SmartMoto v3.12.

    With this release we present the following options.

    1. Unlock of Motorola W5 (Prepare Smart TestPoint).
    2. Released "Automatic Disable USB Printing Connection" while detecting the models W510, W490, W5 etc.
    3. The models W156 and W160 are added to the SmartMoto list (Unlock only).
    4. Reorganized "Repair EEPROM" function for some Compal models.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of SmartMoto v3.11 and Smart Adaptor v1.04.

    With this release we present improvement in PDS repair process for the following models.

    1. А1200_R532
    2. А1200_R541
    3. E6_R533
    4. L2_R3511
    5. L6 all fw versions including R3443H1
    6. L7_R44419
    7. V195_R3443U1
    8. V365 all fw versions including R444HL1
    9. V560_R37A

    For Smart Adaptor users Repair PDS option is available off line.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of SmartMoto v3.10.

    With this release the list of supported Compal models is corrected.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of SmartMoto v3.09 and Smart Adaptor v1.03.

    With this release we present the following options.

    1. Unlock, world’s first Format FFS and world’s first Repair EEPROM for the models W175 and W180. The only unlock solution for W175 and W180 that doesn’t mess up the system and doesn’t require any drivers to be reinstalled or restored after unlock.
    2. Repair PDS for A1200, fw version R541.

    For detailed W175 and W180 Unlock procedure description please visit Unlock manual


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of Smart-Moto v3.08.

    With this release we present improvement of the IMEI repair process for the models A1200, E2 and E6. So, it becomes the only working solution on the market yet.

    NOTE. Those, who got "Invalid battery" issue after repairing IMEI on the models A1200, E2 and E6, to resolve it, please perform the following steps.

    • Flash the phone with the same or the nearest higher version of *.pcf file using SCout flasher.
    • Apply IMEI patch using SmartMoto v3.08, or higher version and restore the correct number.


    • Flash the phone with boot file E6_boot_9.8.2.mfw using SmartMoto v3.08, or higher version.
    • Flash the phone with the same or the nearest higher version of *.pcf file using SCout flasher.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of Smart-Clip v4.06, S-Card v2.06 and Smart-Moto v3.07.

    With this release we present the flowing options.

    1. Resolved the issue (internal error 0009) with IMEI patching on the models C261, C275, V175, V177, W370, W377 and W375.
    2. Improved communication with Argon based models comparing to the previous SmartMoto version. Error 3C will not appear with this release.
    3. For better convenience, the Update process can be performed using either Update Mirror 1 or the Update Mirror 2. Please check the percentage scale and select the less loaded channel.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of Smart-Clip v4.05, S-Card v2.05 and Smart-Moto v3.06.

    With this release we present the flowing options.

    1. IMEI repair firmware patch via TestPoint for the models A1200, E2 and E6.
    2. Network IMEI patch for the models C261, W370 and W375. Also, for the models C275, V175 and W377 (requires to be tested with the network).
    3. Read info, using Smart-Clip connection, for the models A1200, E2 and E6 (E6 - firmware and language pack version only).
    4. For better convenience, the Update process can be performed using either Update Mirror 1 or the Update Mirror 2. Please check the percentage scale and select the less loaded channel.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of Smart-Clip v4.03 and S-Card v2.03.

    With this release Smart-Clip standalone "One Button" unlock process is fixed.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of Smart-Clip v4.02, S-Card v2.02 and SmartMoto v3.05.

    With this release we present improvement in the process of restoring Temporary backup for the phone model V9 with boot version higher than 5.70.

    Warning. Starting from SmartMoto V3.04 the model Foma M702iG may not work with the old Smart TestPoint cable. In this case, please modify your cable to the version 2.0.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of SmartMoto v3.04.

    With this release we present:

    1. World’s first, unlock K1s with boot version 0D.C0 (0D.C1 beta test). Smart TestPoint cable v2.0*.
    2. Unlock V9, boot version 5.80 (beta test).
    3. Released alternative Smart-Clip Update Zone at www.gsmserver.com.

    *Smart TestPoint cable v2.0. During unlock process the phone model K1s requires more stable signal to be sent from the Smart-Clip. Due to this Smart-Clip R&D team have developed a new version of Smart TestPoint cable v2.0. Those, who already have Smart TP cable, can perform a simple modification of their cable to the version 2.0 according to the modification schematic. Otherwise, the cable can be purchased at www.gsmserver.com.


    We are pleased to introduce the first update of the New Year 2008, a new version of SmartMoto v3.03.

    With this release we present:

    1. Repair EEPROM and Format FFS for W377 phone model. World’s first.
    2. Word’s exclusive IMEI repair solution for Sony Ericsson T250, Z250 and Z320.


    Please accept the greetings and best wishes for the New Year 2008.

    And now, we are pleased to introduce a new version of Smart-Clip v4.01, S-Card v2.01, Smart Adaptor v1.02 and SmartMoto v3.02.

    With this release we present:

    1. Offline* repair PDS option for USB Smart Adaptor owners.
    2. Released repair PDS option for the model V195, fw R3443U1 and L7, fw R44419.
    3. Unlock solution for W377 (beta test).
    4. New ActiveX client, supporting USB Smart Adaptor, is installed to www.boot-loader.com site.

    *Offline PDS repair is available for USB Smart Adaptor owners. Those, who don’t have a USB Smart Adaptor yet, can use Repair PDS option in the usual way with Internet connection.

    Detailed unlock procedure description for W377 is located in Unlock Manual.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of SmartMoto v3.01.

    With this release we present:

    1. Released Unlock solution for Sony Ericsson Z320i and Z250i.
    2. Supported Unlock for V3хх with boot version 4.10 (beta test).
    3. Modified boot sending procedure for Compal W2xx series and F3.
    4. SE models are moved to the separate tab "SE phones" in SmartMoto interface.

    In case of having difficulties with connection of Sony Ericsson T250i, Z320i and Z250i please modify data cable according to the diagram with 2 low power Zener Diodes. The required Zener Diode value is 3.3V and 0.35-0.5W (for example, model 1N5988B). For more details please see cable schematic.


    You have unique opportunity to buy Combo Smart-Clip Set. Just for 329 USD you will receive well-known Smart-Clip with S-card + Smart Adaptor - device that was designed to connect Smart-Clip to USB port. Please, note: the offer is limited in time and valid through February 2008.

    Smart-Clip with S-Card can now be purchased for 299 USD only.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of Smart Adaptor v1.01, S-Card v2.00, SmartMoto v3.00 and Smart-Clip v4.00.

    With this release we present.

    1. World’s First, Completely Free unlock solution for Sony Ericsson T250i. Tested on all versions.
    2. Foma M702IS with boot version 2.90 is added to the list of Smart TestPoint supported (beta test).
    3. Changed boot sending process for Compal W2xx series and F3.
    4. SmartMoto becomes compatible with Smart Adaptor. Connection method (USB or LPT) can be selected in the Smart-Clip tab.
    5. Released a new version of S-Card update client v1.05:
      • Supports Smart-Clip connection via LPT or Smart Adapter;
      • Added Persian language to the interface.
    6. The new ActiveX client is uploaded to the Update Zone at www.smart-clip.com (Supports Smart-Clip connection via LPT or Smart Adaptor).

    Detailed unlock procedure description for Sony Ericsson T250i is located in Unlock Manual.

    To attention of those whose handsets got harmed with SmartMoto v2.48. We are currently working on repair solution for them. Please wait for one of our next updates.


    Congratulations on the first S-Card anniversary!

    We are pleased to introduce a new version of S-Card v1.53 and SmartMoto v2.47.

    With this release we present the following options:

    1. Unlock and Repair EEPROM for all versions of F3, including the latest boots.
    2. Stabilized and improved connection process for W2xx Compal models.

    Detailed description of F3 unlock process is located in Unlock Manual.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of SmartMoto v2.46.

    With this release we present the following options:

    1. The Unlock procedure for the Compal based models W205, W208, W209, W215, W218 is totally reorganized and simplified. So, now, it’s performed in just 3 steps:
      • Connect Powered OFF handset.
      • Press Unlock button in SmartMoto.
      • Press Power ON button on the phone.
      The rest of the procedure will be performed by SmartMoto automatically. More detailed Unlock manual can be found here.
      Also, released Format FFS (reset user code) and Repair EEPROM options for the specified above models.
    2. Added Persian language to the SmartMoto interface.

    Please remember that all Compal models require to be connected to PC using COM cable or USB cable with virtual COM port emulator.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of SmartMoto v2.45.

    With this update we present Unlock solution for the following Compal based models

    • W205
    • W208
    • W209
    • W215
    • W218

    Detailed Unlock manual is located at unlock manual.

    Please remember that all Compal models require to be connected to PC using COM cable or USB cable with virtual COM port emulator.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of SmartMoto v2.44 and S-Card v1.52.

    With this update we present the following options.

    1. Developed unlock solution for the model W490 (Prepare Smart TestPoint).
    2. Released support for SE J110i and J120i with the new type of flesh chip.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of S-Card v1.51 and SmartMoto v2.43.

    With this update we present the following options.

    1. First in the world released unlock option for Foma M702iS (Prepare Smart TestPoint).
    2. Added unlock support for RAZR2 V9 (Prepare Smart TestPoint).
    3. Corrected direct unlock process for SE J110 and J120 and disabled read codes option.
    4. Released Read User Code option for Chi Mei based phones.
    5. Enabled option Reset User Code to default value for Chi Mei based models including SE J110 and J120.


    We are pleased to introduce a new version of SmartMoto v2.42.

    With this update we add the models with boot versions A.B3 and A.B4 to the range of supported by Prepare function (First in the world).


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of S-Card v1.50 and SmartMoto v2.41.

    With this update we present some new Special solutions:

    • Released Read codes/Unlock solution for SE J110i and J120i phone models (SmartMoto, Chi Mei tab);
    • World's exclusive, Enabled IMEI repair option for SE J110i and J120i phone models (SmartMoto, Chi Mei tab).
    Please remember that models SE J110i and J120i require being connected using COM cable or any virtual COM port emulator. More detailed information can be found in Unlock manual


    We are pleased to introduce new version of SmartMoto v2.40.

    With this update we present a new, World's Exclusive solution:

    • New boot versions of Argon based models are added to Smart Boot Detect system. So, from now on, the boots lower than 3.02 are supported.
    • Model V3xx with boot version 2.Е3 is tested and approved to be supported by Prepare Smart TestPoint function.


    We are pleased to introduce new version of SmartMoto v2.39.

    With this update we are proud to present.

    First in the world, released REPAIR PDS option for LTE2 ROM4 based handsets:

    • L72
    • L9
    • V3re (V3_06)
    • W510

    In order to use REPAIR PDS option for listed above models Prepare Smart TestPoint is required. Smart TestPoint cable schematic and detailed Smart TestPoint process description can be found in Unlock manual at www.smart-clip.com. Also, Smart TestPoint cable is available for purchase at www.gsmserver.com. Please use only original accessories with Smart-Clip. We can not guaranty stable functions of Smart-Clip with the cables from other manufacturers. GSMserver team doesn’t bear any responsibility for the faults caused by cables from other manufacturer or for the faults caused by wrong usage of the original accessories.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of S-Card v1.49 and SmartMoto v2.38.

    With this update we present the following:

    1. Added support of the new flash chip types on Argon series and for the model V3re.
    2. New boot versions are tested and approved to be supported by automatic Smart Boot Detect system of SmartMoto.

    Smart TestPoint cable schematic and detailed unlock process description can be found in Unlock manual at www.smart-clip.com. Also, Smart TestPoint cable is available for purchase at www.gsmserver.com. We recommend to use with Smart-Clip original accessories only. GSMserver team doesn’t bear any responsibility for the faults caused by cables from other manufacturers.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of Smart-Clip v3.25, S-Card v1.48 and SmartMoto v2.37.

    With this update we present the following:

    1. First in the world, released Smart TestPoint unlock feature for V3re (V3_06).
    2. Enabled flash, save/restore backup and lang_pack opiton for V3re (V3_06).
    3. Added support of new types of flash chips and new versions of PDS zone.

    Smart TestPoint cable schematic and detailed unlock process description can be found in Unlock manual at www.smart-clip.com. Also, Smart TestPoint cable soon will be available for purchase at www.gsmserver.com.


    We are pleased to introduce new version of SmartMoto v2.36

    With this update we have corrected some steps of boot loading process for LTE2 ROM4 based models, connected in flash mode for Smart TestPoint prepare.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of Smart-Clip v3.24, S-Card v1.47 and SmartMoto v2.35.

    With this update we present some changes applied the boot loading process of Argon based models.

    Developed Smart Detect of boot version for Argon based models. From now on all future boot versions are supposed to be supported. At this stage few models were tested and found to be fully compatible with Smart Detect. Listed below models with particular boot versions are approved to be supported for unlock using Smart TestPoint cable:

    • V3xx and V6 with boot version 03.09 (World’s exclusive)
    • K3 with boots 03.90 and 04.10
    • V3xx untypical* with boot version 03.08.

    *V3xx untypical includes some models with specific boot versions mostly provided by North American network providers (Cingular, AT&T etc). If the model V3xx can not be processed by Prepare cycle as a usual model, please select V3xx untypical and perform the process again.

    Smart TestPoint cable schematic and detailed unlock process description can be found in Unlock manual at www.smart-clip.com. Also, Smart TestPoint cable soon will be available for purchase at www.gsmserver.com.


    We are introducing a new version of SmartMoto v2.34.

    With this release we have improved detection and boot loading process for the models with boot version 06.12.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of Smart-Clip v3.23, S-Card v1.46 and SmartMoto v2.33.

    With this update we present the following options:

    1. First in the world released unlock solution for the model Foma M702iG.
    2. World’s first enabled save/restore backup option for Foma M702iG
    3. Added Repair PDS for the model L2.
    4. Improved and stabilized unlock process and save/restore backup option for Argon platform models.

    Foma M702iG requires to be connected using Smart TestPoint cable. Smart TestPoint cable schematic and detailed unlock process description can be found in Unlock manual at www.smart-clip.com. Also, Smart TestPoint cable soon will be available for purchase at www.gsmserver.com.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of Smart-Clip v3.22, S-Card v1.45 and SmartMoto v2.32.

    With this update we enlarge the range of supported models by adding ARGON platform unlock and flash options.

    So, we are proud to present:

    1. World’s first, unlock of V1100.
    2. Released unlock for other Argon based models:
      • K3
      • V3xx
      • V3xx Cingular (North America)
      • V6maxx
    3. Enabled save/restore backup option for the specified above models.
    4. Flash files and language packs for Argon are available at www.boot-loader.com.

    All Argon models require Smart TestPoint cable to be used while performing unlock process. Smart TestPoint cable schematic and detailed unlock process description can be found in Unlock manual at www.smart-clip.com. Also, Smart TestPoint cable soon will be available for purchase at www.gsmserver.com.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of S-Card 1.44 and SmartMoto v2.31.

    With this update we release the following options:

    1. Added model selection by series for Prepare cycle.
    2. L9 Prepare Smart TestPoint* procedure is perfected.
    * - Smart TestPoint cable schematic and detailed unlock process description can be found in Unlock manual at www.smart-clip.com. Also, Smart TestPoint cable soon will be available for purchase at www.gsmserver.com.


    Released new version of SmartMoto v2.30.

    With this release Prepare function for the models V360 and L7 with boot 09.02 is reorganized and corrected. Also, Prepare Smart TestPoint procedure is improved.

    We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the previous release.


    Released a new version of Smart-Clip v3.21 and S-Card v1.43.

    With this release Unlock button issue is fixed.

    We apologize for any inconvenience.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of Smart-Clip v3.20, S-Card v1.42 and SmartMoto v2.29.

    With this update we release the following options:

    1. World's first. Released unlock of LTE2 ROM4 models W510, L72 and L9, using Smart TestPoint* cable.
    2. No TestPoint Unlock for boot version 09.02, models V360 and L7 (Prepare Cycle).
    3. Smart TestPoint cable is a universal device and will be used for future updates, such as unlock of Argon based models. The solution for those models is currently under development.
    * - Smart TestPoint cable schematic and detailed unlock process description can be found in Unlock manual at www.smart-clip.com. Also, Smart TestPoint cable soon will be available for purchase at www.gsmserver.com.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of SmartMoto v.2.28 and S-Card v.1.41.

    From now on S-Cards that were registered with Asian Smart-Clips are compatible with SCout flasher!

    With this update we also implement the following options for i-mode handsets:

    1. Reset Permanent Block feature added
    2. Format User Area feature added


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of S-Card update client v1.04 and SCout updater v1.04.

    Connection between S-Card/SCout dongle and these new versions of update clients is improved and stabilized.


    Smart-Clip team presents you a second stage of SCout integration. If yesterday, the majority of Smart-Clip users thought that we forgot about them, then today we would like to prove the opposite.

    So, today, we are introducing SCard v1.40 and SmartMoto v2.27*.

    Most of you will ask: What are the advantages of that?

    Then let us give to all of you a wide explanation.

    1. SCout is a powerful multiflasher with access to flash files, fully functional support and upcoming updates.
    2. Advantage. Those, who need to perform flashing of big numbers of handsets and don’t require full Smar-Clip functions, can get a powerful multiflasher with free year of access to the biggest ever flash files collection at www.boot-loader.com at low cost (45 euro).
    3. SCard becomes compatible with SCout software.
    4. Advantage. All S-Card users get an opportunity to flash I-mode and Compal (Calypso+) models using SCout software. Flash files for them can be downloaded from SCout section at www.boot-loader.com All Smart-Clip users get access to that section right after update of their S-Cards to the latest version (v1.40).
    5. PC-Flash option is fully moved from SmartMoto to the SCout software*.
    6. Advantage. SmartMoto installation package is lowered in size. So, we have released the request of many users who were desperate to save the downloading traffic.

    SCout proves its name: SC out, functions without Smart-Clip, flashing directly via PC USB port.

    With this release we prove another time that our costumers are important for us and we consider their interests.

    * Note to Chinese users.

    Please be aware that Chinese version of SmartMoto currently stays the same (2.26) and still contains PC-Flash option. SCout compatibility for all Chinese S-Card users will be launched within few days.
    We apologize for any inconvenience caused by that delay.


    We are glad to inform you that V8 is tested and proved to be supported by PC flash features. Flash file for that model in *.pcf format is available at www.boot-loader.com.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of S-Card v1.27 and SmartMoto v2.26.

    With this update we release the following options:

    1. Corrected OTP status detection on V3x (AMD flash chip) and older models of C series (C450, C550 etc).
    2. Improved and stabilized flashing process for some versions of *.pcf files.


    We are glad to inform you, that the following models: K3, L9, L72, Z6, W510 are tested and proved to be supported for PC flash features. Flashes for them can be downloaded from www.boot-loader.com in *.pcf format.

    Some of the flashes might contain SP lock. So it is strictly required to reset Subsidy Code before flashing.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of Smart-Clip v3.19, S-Card v1.26 and SmartMoto v2.25.

    With this update we release the following options:

    1. World’s first, No TestPoint Unlock (Prepare cycle) for the models K1, L7e, L71 and Z3 with the following boot versions: 0A.B2, 0A.C0, 0A.C3.
    2. Boot version 0A.42 (models V3i, V3t, V3r & V3v) is added to support of Prepare function.
    3. IMEI repair patch for K1, Z3, L7e, L71*.
    4. View OTP status (locked/unlocked) option added.
    5. Improved Prepare Cycle procedure. If the Prepare is performed from the powered handset, all information about the phone is saved by SmartMoto, so it the information like: fw version, flex, operation band, etc, will be recorded in backup.
    6. Added Repair PDS for the model V3i, firmware version R4441D_G.
    7. Improved flashing of the model A1200, E2, E6 from boot mode with *.pcf file.

    * - please be aware that after performing repair IMEI for the models K1, Z3, L7e and L71 any future flashing will be possible by performing TestPoint connection only.

    Update Smart-Clip first and perform S-Card update after that only.
    We recommend to use only the latest versions of Smart-Clip, S-Card and SmartMoto.


    We are proud to announce the premiere of COMPLETELY NEW, WORLD’S FIRST, DIRECT, STANDALONE unlock solution for Motofone F3, developed by GSMserver teamF3 Unlock Clip.

    F3 Unlock Clip – is the easiest unlock solution, available on the market yet. It is operated by one button and requires to be powered from mains adapter or even 9V battery.

    F3 unlock procedure description

    1. Connect power to F3 Unlock Clip (9V battery can be used).
    2. Connect F3UC to the handset, powered on or switched into boot mode*.
    3. Press Unlock button on the clip.
    4. LED on the clip starts to blink frequently. Unlock process is in progress.
    5. On successful unlock, LED stops blinking and lights up for about 10 seconds.

    *To switch F3 into boot mode, please power off the phone and press 3 keys combination: *#Power On. The handset display will remain blank.

    If the LED on F3 Unlock Clip, after frequent blinking starts to blink slower instead of lighting up – the unlock process failed. Please disconnect the phone from the cable, remove and insert the battery, switch the phone to boot mode and perform unlock again.

    Limited stock of F3 Unlock Clips is available at www.gsmserver.com. Everybody’s welcome to place an order.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of Smart-Clip v3.18, S-Card v1.25 and SmartMoto v2.24.

    With this version we release the following options.

    1. Unlock via TestPoint for E2, E6 and A1200 phone models.
    2. Unlock via Remove RSA option for V560 (boot ver. 8.26) model.
    3. Repair PDS option for A1200, E6 and V560 models.


    Dear users,
    Please be informed that Unlock tutorials are now moved from SUPPORT section to SMARTMOTO USER’S MANUAL. For more details, please visit Smart-Clip official web site.
    Smart-Clip ON!


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of Smart-Clip v3.17, S-Card v1.24 and SmartMoto v2.23.

    With this version we release the following options.

    1. Fully tested and fully working solution IMEI repairing for the following models: C975, C980, V980, V3x, E1070, E770, V1070, V1075 and V1150. This solution doesn’t affect any part of the handset firmware, also repairs incorrect patching performed with other tools.
    2. First in the world, unlock WITHOUT FLASHING for E1070 fw …F11P. Just apply Unlock patch.
    3. IMEI repair solution via patch for: W220, C168, C168i.
    4. Improved PREPARE cycle for the higher firmware versions of E1, L2, L6 etc.
    5. Tested and approved Repair PDS for the models C650, V220… fw versions R366. Those versions are supported. No additional operations have to be made.

    Additional option.
    From now on, there is a possibility of changing the firmware version on such models as C975, fw ...91i and E1070 fw ...F11P. As soon as the handset is flashed with the different flash file version, apply IMEI repair patch and restore original number.

    Update Smart-Clip first and perform S-Card update after that only.
    We recommend to use only the latest versions of Smart-Clip, S-Card and SmartMoto.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of SmartMoto v2.22.

    With this version we release the following options.

    1. Added Format FFS (reset user code) and Repair EEPROM for Compal models:
      • C257
      • C261
      • V175
      • V176
      • V177
      • W375
    2. Enabled Repair PDS for V3i, fw R3443H3.
    3. Stabilized Unlock procedure and resolved "sending boot" issue for some Compal and Chi Mei models.
    4. Improved version detection for Z3 and K1 in PC flash mode.
    5. Allowed flashing from boot mode in PC flash.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of Smart-Clip v3.16, S-Card v1.17 and SmartMoto v2.21.

    With this update we release some REVOLUTIONAL solutions.

    1. First in the world! Added unlock for the Compal ("Calypso+" based) models:
      • C257
      • C261
      • V175
      • V176
      • V177
      • W375
      No flexing or any additional action is required. No limitation. All versions are supported. Simply press UNLOCK button in SmartMoto.

    2. "One button" unlock for Sony Ericsson J100.
    3. Flashing in PC flash mode is now supported for the following models:
      • F3
      • V6
      • V3xx
      • V1100

    Full_flash and lang_pack files for those models will be uploaded to SMARTMOTO section of www.boot-loader.com within few days. Please wait for our announcements.

    For detailed unlock instructions and cable pinouts of the added models please visit our support section.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of Smart-Clip v3.15, S-Card v1.16 and SmartMoto v2.20.

    With this release the REPAIR IMEI option is enabled without connecting to the Internet. So, Smart-Clip users can stay offline while repairing the handsets.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of S-Card v1.15 and SmartMoto v2.19.

    There are TWO main options for Chi Mei models released in this update:

    1. Added unlock for MPx200 and MPx220 via code calculation.
    2. Simplified unlock for the listed below models:
      • C168
      • C168i
      • V690
      • V872
      • V878
      • W220

    There is no need to calculate codes for those handsets. From now on, they can be simply unlocked by pressing "Unlock" button in Chi Mei tab of SmartMoto.

    Please visit the SUPPORT section at www.smart-clip.com to find a detailed description of unlock procedure for Chi Mei based models.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of Smart-Clip v3.14, S-Card v1.14 and SmartMoto v2.18.

    With this release the following options are added.

    1. Unlock via code calculator for Chi Mei based models.
      • C168
      • C168i
      • V690
      • V872
      • V878
      • W220
    2. Improved and simplified SmartMoto interface.

    Please visit the SUPPORT section at www.smart-clip.com to find a detailed description of unlock procedure for Chi Mei based models.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of Smart-Clip v3.13, S-Card v1.13 and SmartMoto v2.17.

    With this release the following options are added.

    1. Unlock via PREPARE cycle for the following models:
      • Е378і boot version 8.26.
      • V3 boot version 8.29
    2. Repair PDS for V3r firmware version R3443U2.
    3. Improved Smart-Clip test-mode and enabled information detection for the models V6maxx, V3xx and V1100.


    S-Card www.boot-loader.com bonus for all

    We've analysed the situation with S-Card www.boot-loader.com bonus and came up to the solution that every user of Smart-Clip and S-Card is entitled to the bonus even if the dongle was activated before.

    So, starting from today (30.01.07), every user with activated S-Card dongle gets 180 days of bonus access to SMARTMOTO section at www.boot-loader.com *

    Users, that are going to buy dongle to use it with their old Smart-Clip, will get the bonus access * starting from the day of the first update with S-Card.

    The procedure of receiving the bonus is also simplified:

    1. Update the Smart-Clip with S-Card to the latest version
    2. Login to www.boot-loader.com with your username, password and updated Smart-Clip.
    3. Enjoy your bonus access

    * Free access to SMARTMOTO section will be based on STANDARD price plan and limited to 5 Gb of download traffic. In case if any price plan (STANDARD or PREMIUM) is already activated, the user will be granted with 6 months of access in accordance with the price plan that is currently activated.


    We are pleased to introduce new version of SmartMoto v2.16.

    With this version we would like to introduce the following features:

    1. Repair PDS for the following models:
      • V235 fw version R444HL2;
      • L7e fw version R452D;
      • V1075 fw version R252211LD.
    2. Unlock via TestPoint for L7e.
    3. Improved "Read lang_pack" procedure for V3i and V3r (TestPoint connection).
    4. V3v, V3t model detection for unlock via PREPARE cycle.
    5. Added full set of drivers (including Motodrv plus USB Modem, required for PC flash) for the latest models and Application to manage handset drivers (_DrvInstaller) to SmartMoto install package.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of Smart-Clip v3.12, S-Card v1.12 and SmartMoto v2.15.

    With this version we would like to introduce the following features:

    • Model V1150 was fully tested and proved to be supported by PREPARE cycle with specified boot versions: 06.71, 06.81, 06.82, 06.83, 06.84.
    • Added Repair PDS option and full_flash for V195 fw version R3517.
    • Released possibility of repairing the handset with damaged flash chip by replacing it with the used unit taken from the same model.
    • Improved version detection for the latest models Z3, K1, L7e, etc …

    Detailed manual "Smart-Clip and repair of the handset with damaged flash chip" uploaded to SMARTMOTO section of www.smart-clip.com


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of Smart-Clip v3.11, S-Card v1.11 and SmartMoto v2.14.

    Developed first in the world and released free of charge for Smart-Clip users.

    Listed below models, with specified boot versions, are added to support without TP (PREPARE cycle):

    • E770 with boot versions: 06.71, 06.81, 06.82, 06.83, 06.84
    • E1070 with boot versions: 06.71, 06.81, 06.82, 06.83, 06.84
    • V1075 with boot versions: 06.71, 06.81, 06.82, 06.83, 06.84
    • V3x with boot versions: 06.71, 06.81, 06.82, 06.83, 06.84

    Also, V3x with Intel and AMD flash chip and V3r boot A.3.0 fw version R4515_G_08.BD.B3R are added to support by PREPARE procedure.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of Smart-Clip v3.10, S-Card v1.10 and SmartMoto v2.13.

    The following options are released:

    • Improved flashing process for Mexican version of V150 fw R313LT_G_09.20.05R
    • Resolved "Clip communication failed" issue for older models (V60, V66, etc…), while flashing with *.smf flash files.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of Smart-Clip v3.09 and S-Card v1.09.

    With this update the following features released:

    • C11x (fw 2.5.78) "phone hacked" issue resolved and unlock procedure improved
    • C139 fw version 1.3.29 is tested and proved to be supported.

    For the users, that received "phone hacked" message while unlocking C11x models, please connect the handset to Smart-Clip and perform the unlock process again.


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of Smart-Clip v3.08, S-Card v1.08 and SmartMoto v2.12.

    With this update the following features released:

    • Advanced solution, unlock and IMEI repair patch without TestPoint of E1 boot A.05 (Prepare Cycle).
    • Unlock for C11x fw version 2.5.78.N (Indian release).
    • Unlock for Indian release of C139 fw version 1.3.29 (beta test).

    Also improved unlock via Prepare Cycle for boot version 8.28 (Razr V3)


    We are pleased to introduce new versions of Smart-Clip v3.07, S-Card v1.07 and SmartMoto v2.11.

    This release contains the following options:

    • L6/L7 i-mode fw version 13 (and higher) added to the range of supported
    • Improved compatibility for i-mode modem COM port settings

    From now on, i-mode modem can be set to any available COM port up number 99. In order to find out which exactly port the i-mode modem is set to or to change the port settings, please perform the following: right click on My_Computer>>Properties>>Hardware>>Device_Manager>>i-mode_modem>>Properties…

    In case if i-mode modem is set to COM port 100 or higher, the handset will not get detected by SmartMoto.

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